Two-time King of Dirt and
original stunna.

When you think of the biggest names
in BMX, Huffy's Cory Nastazio appears
at the top of nearly everyone's list.
There's a style and largeness to the
way Cory rides that amazes fans,
slaughters the competition and defies
comprehension. And now that he's
added ramp riding to his outlandish
bag of dirt tricks, fans of the Nasty One
can expect even more crazy stuff in
2003. Besides winning the King of Dirt
title for the second year in a row, Cory
earned a gold medal in dirt at the 2002
Australian X Games, and took home
his second consecutive Ride magazine
NORA Cup for dirt jumping. A fat wheel
deal from a southern California
manufacturer of blinging dubs and a
new Mercedes S500 in his garage
capped another incredible year for this
amazing Huffy rider.